Release Artistry


A Social Experiment created to help promote therapeutic release of past challenges, memories and anxieties that hinder us from moving forward and connecting with our authentic self. Release Artistry uses music, movement and art to inspire and empower the individual to connect with their inner feelings and translate the movement into art. Often times we have difficulty putting into words how we truly feel. This medium allows us to translate these emotions and thoughts through creative expression.

“The whole culture is telling you to hurry, while the art is tells you to take your time. Listen to the art.”

Junot Diaz



Maria Mendez Reed

As a Co-Founder of the Inspire-Up Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit, Maria is dedicated to standing in the gap for those in need. She is a passionate and unwavering advocate for the families of those who serve, as well as a staunch ally for at-risk and vulnerable communities.

Maria has a background in art and design that she parlayed into her design show, Moving with the Military. She discovered the power of integrating music, movement and art during the pandemic, while searching for her own creative outlet to express the heavy emotions at her core. Recognizing that a cathartic release of what was stuck inside of her could help her take charge of her journey, she felt called to share this experience with others. It was through her own challenging journey of self-discovery that Release Artistry was born.

Art is for Everyone.

Release Artistry is a social movement giving participants the opportunity to create physical works of art through the integration of music and movement. It provides a cathartic experience that brings the release of memories and feelings in a therapeutic and healing way. The experience is meant to be a vehicle to evoke empathy and connection, and illuminate deep, sensory-related emotions and experiences that are unique and distinctive to each participant.

Music + Movements is Soul Food.

We integrate the music, dance, and movement because it’s a vehicle that prompts the physical release of emotion. Dance is proven to strengthen memory, cognitive function, self esteem, and sociability. At the same time, it releases the highest number of endorphins compared to other forms of exercise.

Embrace the Freedom to Be You

Participants who create art through this medium are given the freedom and opportunity to be vulnerable behind closed doors. There is no risk of shame or embarrassment during this experience, and there is support available after each art experience for those who need it.`1

Bring us to your organization and experience the power of Release Artistry.
*Schedule of events Coming Soon.